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Friday, March 19, 2010

Scissors & Hershey

Main Point of Sizer Article
Its basically meant to be a shortened autobiography of Sizer. It list accomplishments, jobs, and some backgroud. To me this Coalition of Essential schools is extremely valuable. My favorite line is when the article says "Schools, he argued, should abandon the one-size fits all education". I think this is so true. Not all kids learn the same way and why should they have to. While some are better readers others are better at math. While some are avid thinkers others are more hands on. No child should have to struggle with their education because they don't understand the way the teacher is explaining things. Sizer's dream was correct. Instead of standardized testing schools should offer other requirements (like Exhibitions).

Main Idea of Hirsch article
Its basically another shortened autobiography. To me his point about being able to better comprehend a text if you know the background information makes sense. It just makes it easier to relate to. I am however a little confused when he says that all students should learn the same exact things. How are we to make sure this happens? All kids work differently so this method cannot work that great. Although it is good to know a little background about everything in general just so you know. When I was younger though I remember having choices in what I wanted to further study. I learned the basic skills of whatever was necessary for me to learn and then studied what I wanted. I enjoy this freedom and with Hirsch's method I don't think I would have it.

In my own experience I find Sizer's point of view and beliefs to have been more helpful to me. Even though SOF is not at the top of the Coalition of Essential Schools I have learned to use my mind better than before, figured out that I can do things by myself if I really apply myself, and thanks to Andy's class I've learned to think about important aspects of my life. Though Sizer's beliefs may have flaws I think this again goes back to how everyone is different and how some people would be able to understand things more in SOF versus a Hirsch type of school. I think some teachers are inspired by Hirsch's point of view of teaching. That is why we learn the basics of every class first and then we go onto develop skills that are harder to understand.

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