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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

These are my obsessions

Untitled from jenise l on Vimeo.

While watching my video Jenise pointed out that I started with texting and ended with texting. I find that texting takes up most of my day so this is a good way to represent that. I also realized how little I watch tv in reality. Tv bores me and when I do watch it only these little cartoons capture my attention. While it's true that I have a small attention span I still find it interesting that this is the least of my digital stimulation. I also saw how into the telephone I really was. All my attention goes into what I'm texting about and I notice so little about my surroundings. I even admit that when I didn't hear my mother telling me the food was hot because I was so into my text message. This strikes me as amazing because i never realized this before. With the computer my attention seems to waver and I can focus on 2 things at once when I'm checking my mail and such but when I got on facebook you could see the change in my face as I focused only on that.

I see that my little sister is like me in the ways of being addicted to digital stimulation. She's a very outgoing child however, so I don't really think this messes with her socially but in fact makes her more incline to go out because she makes plans with her friends. I do think that we both spend a lot more time than we should with digital stimulation. For example, me with texting and her with AIM but at this point what can we really do.

Your video blew my mind = D

My loverly Chloe,
Hey honey. Just want to start off by saying how much I enjoyed your video. I thought that they by having someone else film you it shows how you really look in other people's eyes. I love that you include your boyfriend playing video games and how you have to wait for him. I see by the computer screen that while you waited for him you were also spending time on facebook. Nonetheless your video was good and I appreciate that you had it up by the time you were suppose to. (Sorry for the delay in mine).

So by the look of your video and sound of the follow up answers I see that while making this video you noticed how digital stimulation is a safe zone away from human interaction for you. For example, train with an ipod in. I think most of America is like this as well and we don't realize it. I also like how you acknowledged that all these things you use on a daily basis and aren't willing to change.

You blocking yourself out from human interaction is similar to what I do when I'm on my ipod or going on facebook to get away from my family. I feel that my video is a lot like yours in the sense that I find my phone and ipod my safe outlet. A lot of America is similar to us in this sense I think because we don't want to socialize with strangers or sometimes even each other so we use items that will distract us and make us seem busy.

I like how you make some connections to how digital stimulation makes you avoid talking to people but what are some alternative views on this (Oh yeaah I'm bringing Kinory's class into this). For example, what would happen if you did talk to a stranger for a couple of stops on the train? How bad would that actually be?

When you talk about avoiding awkward situations or conversations with people I can understand what you mean. I was on the bus the other day and this lady just kept going on and on about something or another and I didn't want to be rude but it was just so weird. I didn't have my ipod on me like a douche so I spent 10 minutes listening to her babble. You saying that makes me know that I'm not the only horrible teenager out there.

Thanks again for completing your video and questions. I hope to see more from you (I definitely will actually). Hopefully we'll learn more about this stuff soon so that we can both further explore other views.
Love you <33333

Hey Conor,
I appreciate how you first show us what your electronic devices are. It's easier that way to know what your doing and what your about.

I don't really know what your thesis would be because you didn't answer the follow up questions but I think your just showing us about how you have them in case you want to use them and they are their for your use.

I have a tv in my room that I rarely use. My cellphone is always dying in the middle of the day because I'm constantly using it. And when I'm grounded I also turn to the tv for more entertainment.

In order to receive more feedback or suggestions try to do the project the way Andy said. I can't really help you develop anything except that you should do it the right way next time.

Your video did make me think about what I have in my room and in my room and we have a lot of electronics everywhere as well.

Thanks for putting up your video. See you in school

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So what up lil sis, strangers, and bestie Kay

I decided to ask my 10 year old sister just to see how her thoughts would differ or compare to ours. Note this interview was taken while she was watching the Tinkerbell movie.

Yazmin- In what ways does digital media affect your life?
Tati- Helos me communicate with my friends through phone and computer. Tv entertains me. Cameras help me remember good times.

Yazmin- And what would you do if it wasn't there?
Tati- (Shocked, scared face, pause, thinking) I think I would be very bored all the time. Maybe I'd play a bored game?

Yazmin- Do you spend more time with interactive digital media or passive digital media?
Tati- Interactive definitely.

Yazmin- What are the postives of digital stimulation?
Tati- You can communicate with people, it's entertainment at times, and it makes life a lot easier.

Yazmin- What are some negatives of digital stimulation?
Tati- Viruses on computers suck. Your brain starts to get mushy. The oil and power we use for all these things is messing up our earth.

Yazmin- What are the three main forms of digital/electonic stimulations you use?
Tati- Computer, phone, and tv.

Yazmin- How many hours per week are you on the computer?
Tati- 21+ hours

Yazmin- Do you think that digital stimulations are going to be better or worse for the future generations to come?
Tati- I think it'll be worse for them because every year we get smarter and develop new forms of technology.

Yazmin- What do you think we should do about our dependency on these instruments?
Tati- Limit the time we spend using them and worry about our future and the earths'.

Yazmin- How are you doing any of these things if you use the computer 21+ hours?
Tati- Smiles and turns face.

Yazmin- Interview over.

While at the park I interviewed different strangers but received similar answers.

Middle-aged, white guy sitting on bench
Yazmin- How much time do you think you spend on digital stimulation?
Guy- About an hour of texting that's it.

Yazmin- What affect do you think this would have if you didn't have it?
Guy- No affect at all.

Yazmin- How much do you think the younger generation uses phones, computers, etc?
Guy- A lot. They're always on it for schoolwork, entertainment and such. I had 5 kids and they were always wanting the new best thing.

Yazmin- How much money do you think you spent in all those years for 5 kids buying digital stimulation?
Guy- Probably around 100,000 dollars. This was on videos, cells, vcrs etc

Yazmin- How do you think it will be for our future generations?
Guy- Definitely be worse for the future.

Old, Spanish Lady reading paper
Yazmin- How many hours a day do you find yourself using electronics such as phone, computer, ipods?
Lady- 5-6 hours a day.

Yazmin- So what are some positives to using digital stimulation?
Lady- It's a good way to keep in contact. And for research on the computer.

Yazmin- Do you think there are any negatives? And if so what are they?
Lady- Oh yes plenty. My kids and grandkids are on it all the time. Everyone in the house is always fighting to use the computer or phone. It's really not good for them to be so addicted.

Yazmin- How will future trends be with technology growing at this rate?
Lady- Oh it's definitely going to get worse. Everything is goning to be computerized soon.

Teen staring off into space
Yazmin- How do you think digital stimulation affects your everyday life?
Teen- I use it but it doesn't really affect me.

Yazmin- What are the number of hours you spend on these tools?
Teen- 2 hours a day on the computer, 1 hour on my ipod.

Yazmin- How much time do you think other kids our age are on them?
Teen- A lot more than me.

Yazmin- What are the pros of being the first generation to grow up with these electronics around us at all times?
Teen- Development. It's like evolution.

Yazmin- What are the cons?
Teen- Some kids don't interact with people in the real world.

Yazmin- Are you addicted to digital stimulation?
Teen- No, I'm not addicted.

Yazmin leaves now.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First comments to my peopless...

Hey Cloe. Let me start off by saying that I really enjoyed the way you have everything written so organized. It goes from topic to topic and at the beginning and end of paragraphs you refresh our memory with the idea you were discussing. I feel like in our blogs are ideas were kind of the same in the sense that we both see what we're doing with technology yet cannot help it. Your blog made me further my thinking on the subject so thank you for that.

So what I understood from your blog was that people are addicted to technology and you were explaining the reasons why. Such as social statuses, to vent out emotions, they make life easier, and just because we feel like we can't stop. You gave explanations of all of these and I felt they supported your thesis well.

I agree with you on all of these reasons. I feel like people in general just are so accustomed to living with these digital stimulations that without them we feel at a lost. I, too check my phone constantly and notice myself doing it but cannot stop. I also wrote about how addicting these instruments can be in my blog. From hearing what others say in class I feel like we are not alone in seeing what we do and not being able to stop it.

Reading your blog made me think a little deeper about what the causes of our addiction to ipods, cellphones, computers, etc. may be. I have thought of reasons such as boredom, social needs, and the fact that they make our lives (or so we think) easier. But there has to be more to this. Perhaps for those who are addicted which at this point might mean almost everyone their is an emotional need behind using these things. Like if we use them they make us feel better. I think that's something that we should both look into more and examine.

Your post also made me think about how some benefits come from digital stimulation. I have family all over the world that I can keep in contact through phone or email. If I didn't have these things I would probably never talk to them. It also made me realize how gossip does start through statuses and facebook world. Someone may read something and get a totally different idea than what it was but still spread the word as if it was true. This made me very aware of what I now post.

Well it was fun reading what you had to write. I hope I have helped in some way and I look forward to reading more posts that you write. See you manana.
P.S. Old and wrinkly????

Hola Conor. I appreciated your way of tackling this assingment. You made it short but straight to the point.

What I understood from your blog was that because everyone does it, it shouldn't matter whether it's good for us or not. Or even if it is bad for us other people have taken that path and ended up all right. Am I correct?

In class we have all been talking about how much digital stimulation affects our lives and you just go on to further this by stating that because you are grounded you must turn to facebook or cellphone or etc. instead.

I want to hear more about alternative forms of communication. I know you were probably joking with the parrot thing but maybe we should look into other way of communicating. I also want to hear about what you say when you say "and most people do good". Exactly what does this mean? They do good in the form of social, finacial, etc?

Your post made me think about how when I am grounded I do the same thing. For example if I am not allowed to use my phone I turn to the computer more. However if I am not allowed to be on the computer I find that I don't care as much as the other way around. I wonder why that is.

Anyways I enjoyed reading your post on digital stimulation. I hope that I have helped with developing some of the ideas you had and hope to hear more thought out things from you. Til tomorrow -Yazmin
P.S. A little advice. For Andy's class more is always better = D

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'll just IM, text, or facebook you later..

As we have gotten older the need for digital/electronic media has become greater. Kids nowadays find themselves spending countless hours in front of the computer or on their phone. As time goes on we see that adults are also turning to digital/electronic media in their everyday lives. From just walking down a New York City street you can see how much people are using their blackberrys or iphones. Or even their ipods. It never fails to amaze me that these people are all different ages, sizes, ethnicities, and basically just different people. This to me brings up topics such as the dependency that we have on digital/electronics, if these instruments we use in our daily lives are truly addicting, future trends that will come from this, etc. I like to think about all these things and I wonder if other people do to.

The dependency of kids for their AIM or their myspace is unbelievable. Children as young as 7 are on these websites saying that they are older and racing to grow up. I think some people use these programs in order to be "cool" and keep in touch with what their friends are doing even when they aren't with them. Some people really need to have at least a daily dosage of whatever their digital/electronic media may be or if not they feel like their world is crumbling to an end. Like people who are constantly "tweeting" whatever it is they may be doing at that time. Those people to me seem like they have nothing better to do than just to be on a computer waiting to see what people are doing or for others to comment on what they are doing.

These electronics can also be truly addicting for a person. For example, my 10 year old sister spend all afternoon on her AIM and so do all her friends. They talk at all times of the day and night. When she cannot go on AIM she walks around moppy looking lost. This withdrawal from AIM is the same kind of withdrawal that can come from doing drugs and then stopping. It's scary how this really affects someone as old as 10. I'll admit they I am addicted to texting and when I stop for a long time I feel weird. Which makes it even scarier for me to realize that I have a problem just like other people and still can't help it.

My little brother is 5 months. I am 16 years older than him and until the other day it had not really hit me. We were sitting around the kitchen table and my grandparents were telling me about how they had to use typewriters and I felt so bad for them having to do so much extra work when all I have to do is type and send. Then it dawned on me that 16 years from now when my little brother is in high school and I'm telling him about how I use to type all my homework, he will probably be looking at me with pity in his eyes because I am positive that by then there will be something way more advanced than a computer. It's alarming how fast we are moving through phones, computers, and ipods and yet we still can't focus on the smaller things that affect our lives such as children starving, homeless people, no healthcare. It just makes you think about how sad our lives really are.