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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So what up lil sis, strangers, and bestie Kay

I decided to ask my 10 year old sister just to see how her thoughts would differ or compare to ours. Note this interview was taken while she was watching the Tinkerbell movie.

Yazmin- In what ways does digital media affect your life?
Tati- Helos me communicate with my friends through phone and computer. Tv entertains me. Cameras help me remember good times.

Yazmin- And what would you do if it wasn't there?
Tati- (Shocked, scared face, pause, thinking) I think I would be very bored all the time. Maybe I'd play a bored game?

Yazmin- Do you spend more time with interactive digital media or passive digital media?
Tati- Interactive definitely.

Yazmin- What are the postives of digital stimulation?
Tati- You can communicate with people, it's entertainment at times, and it makes life a lot easier.

Yazmin- What are some negatives of digital stimulation?
Tati- Viruses on computers suck. Your brain starts to get mushy. The oil and power we use for all these things is messing up our earth.

Yazmin- What are the three main forms of digital/electonic stimulations you use?
Tati- Computer, phone, and tv.

Yazmin- How many hours per week are you on the computer?
Tati- 21+ hours

Yazmin- Do you think that digital stimulations are going to be better or worse for the future generations to come?
Tati- I think it'll be worse for them because every year we get smarter and develop new forms of technology.

Yazmin- What do you think we should do about our dependency on these instruments?
Tati- Limit the time we spend using them and worry about our future and the earths'.

Yazmin- How are you doing any of these things if you use the computer 21+ hours?
Tati- Smiles and turns face.

Yazmin- Interview over.

While at the park I interviewed different strangers but received similar answers.

Middle-aged, white guy sitting on bench
Yazmin- How much time do you think you spend on digital stimulation?
Guy- About an hour of texting that's it.

Yazmin- What affect do you think this would have if you didn't have it?
Guy- No affect at all.

Yazmin- How much do you think the younger generation uses phones, computers, etc?
Guy- A lot. They're always on it for schoolwork, entertainment and such. I had 5 kids and they were always wanting the new best thing.

Yazmin- How much money do you think you spent in all those years for 5 kids buying digital stimulation?
Guy- Probably around 100,000 dollars. This was on videos, cells, vcrs etc

Yazmin- How do you think it will be for our future generations?
Guy- Definitely be worse for the future.

Old, Spanish Lady reading paper
Yazmin- How many hours a day do you find yourself using electronics such as phone, computer, ipods?
Lady- 5-6 hours a day.

Yazmin- So what are some positives to using digital stimulation?
Lady- It's a good way to keep in contact. And for research on the computer.

Yazmin- Do you think there are any negatives? And if so what are they?
Lady- Oh yes plenty. My kids and grandkids are on it all the time. Everyone in the house is always fighting to use the computer or phone. It's really not good for them to be so addicted.

Yazmin- How will future trends be with technology growing at this rate?
Lady- Oh it's definitely going to get worse. Everything is goning to be computerized soon.

Teen staring off into space
Yazmin- How do you think digital stimulation affects your everyday life?
Teen- I use it but it doesn't really affect me.

Yazmin- What are the number of hours you spend on these tools?
Teen- 2 hours a day on the computer, 1 hour on my ipod.

Yazmin- How much time do you think other kids our age are on them?
Teen- A lot more than me.

Yazmin- What are the pros of being the first generation to grow up with these electronics around us at all times?
Teen- Development. It's like evolution.

Yazmin- What are the cons?
Teen- Some kids don't interact with people in the real world.

Yazmin- Are you addicted to digital stimulation?
Teen- No, I'm not addicted.

Yazmin leaves now.

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