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Thursday, September 17, 2009

First comments to my peopless...

Hey Cloe. Let me start off by saying that I really enjoyed the way you have everything written so organized. It goes from topic to topic and at the beginning and end of paragraphs you refresh our memory with the idea you were discussing. I feel like in our blogs are ideas were kind of the same in the sense that we both see what we're doing with technology yet cannot help it. Your blog made me further my thinking on the subject so thank you for that.

So what I understood from your blog was that people are addicted to technology and you were explaining the reasons why. Such as social statuses, to vent out emotions, they make life easier, and just because we feel like we can't stop. You gave explanations of all of these and I felt they supported your thesis well.

I agree with you on all of these reasons. I feel like people in general just are so accustomed to living with these digital stimulations that without them we feel at a lost. I, too check my phone constantly and notice myself doing it but cannot stop. I also wrote about how addicting these instruments can be in my blog. From hearing what others say in class I feel like we are not alone in seeing what we do and not being able to stop it.

Reading your blog made me think a little deeper about what the causes of our addiction to ipods, cellphones, computers, etc. may be. I have thought of reasons such as boredom, social needs, and the fact that they make our lives (or so we think) easier. But there has to be more to this. Perhaps for those who are addicted which at this point might mean almost everyone their is an emotional need behind using these things. Like if we use them they make us feel better. I think that's something that we should both look into more and examine.

Your post also made me think about how some benefits come from digital stimulation. I have family all over the world that I can keep in contact through phone or email. If I didn't have these things I would probably never talk to them. It also made me realize how gossip does start through statuses and facebook world. Someone may read something and get a totally different idea than what it was but still spread the word as if it was true. This made me very aware of what I now post.

Well it was fun reading what you had to write. I hope I have helped in some way and I look forward to reading more posts that you write. See you manana.
P.S. Old and wrinkly????

Hola Conor. I appreciated your way of tackling this assingment. You made it short but straight to the point.

What I understood from your blog was that because everyone does it, it shouldn't matter whether it's good for us or not. Or even if it is bad for us other people have taken that path and ended up all right. Am I correct?

In class we have all been talking about how much digital stimulation affects our lives and you just go on to further this by stating that because you are grounded you must turn to facebook or cellphone or etc. instead.

I want to hear more about alternative forms of communication. I know you were probably joking with the parrot thing but maybe we should look into other way of communicating. I also want to hear about what you say when you say "and most people do good". Exactly what does this mean? They do good in the form of social, finacial, etc?

Your post made me think about how when I am grounded I do the same thing. For example if I am not allowed to use my phone I turn to the computer more. However if I am not allowed to be on the computer I find that I don't care as much as the other way around. I wonder why that is.

Anyways I enjoyed reading your post on digital stimulation. I hope that I have helped with developing some of the ideas you had and hope to hear more thought out things from you. Til tomorrow -Yazmin
P.S. A little advice. For Andy's class more is always better = D

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