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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Read or listen to music??!! This may be a life-threatening decision people..

So for my expirement I decided to try and choosing between reading and music instead of doing both. So for example when I'm on the train I have my headphones in but I'm reading. I pay attention to the book more than the ipod but at the same time it's more digital stimulation than I need. So I decided that I would do only one at a time. This made it both awkward and better for me. It was better in the sense that I remembered more things from the book and I didn't pause to listen to a certain part of the song while reading. This was also good because instead of just skipping parts in the book I didn't understand I now decided to go back and reread it to understand. It was more awkward because when I picked my ipod over the book, I found myself looking at people on the train. Or trying to entertain myself by reading the signs which didn't really work. This expirement in the end, ended up being less painful than I would have thought. This is kind of an awkward post so I'll stop while I'm ahead.

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