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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Their Ideas Mixed With A Little Bit Of Yazmin

The idea of cool is abstract. There can be many thoughts and ideas said to describe it, many actions and reactions to describe it but what is it actually? And what does this cool do for us?

Many philosophers, psychologists, and social theorists are telling us that this idea of coolness is an attempt to hide the emptiness inside of us. Kind of like a band aid (quoting Andy) that is there to act as a protector for our injury but yet cannot keep us from forgetting that it is there.

So I am here now to talk about the source of this sense of meaningless. How we came about with it and how possibly we can get rid of it if we find the initial problem. I have researched and will talk about the Myth of the Fall, of Freud's theories of separation from the mother, and of Becker's theory of the fear of annihilation in death and then make my hypothesis on the sense of meaningless.

So first we must talk about the Myth of the Fall. This is about Adam and Eve and how the original sin was what disconnected us from God and therefore from ourselves. This disconnection from God gives us this sense of meaningless and until we are connected once again with God we will not be able to fill this emptiness. My opinion is that this could indeed be the source for our sense of meaningless because before the original sin we were meaningful in God’s eyes and we were part of him and the universe forever to be immortal. Now that the original sin has taken place we are one for all and able to choose whether we want to be good or bad without it really meaning anything.

This separation from God brings me to my next topic about the separation from our mothers bringing this sense of meaningless. Freud says that when we are babies we do not realize that we are separate beings from our mother. In fact we think that we are one with our mother and that everything in the universe is connected. It is not until we get older or ignored that we realize we are alone and not connected to our mother’s internal being. To me this seems perfectly normal to think about because I have a younger brother who is 7 months old. I don’t think he has yet to realize that everything is separate and everyone is here for themselves. He still has this loving attitude for his mom that is not to be tampered with at any moment. He searches for her and hugs her and kisses her with so much love and innocence that it almost makes this theory have to be true. Children at this age still do not know that we are not here forever and in life as pawns rather than creators.

Finally with this we reach Becker’s theory of annihilation of death. His theory is that we act “cool” and try to ignore the awareness of death that we have. Because we are aware that eventually we will die however we try to do as much as possible and make our lives as meaningful as possible that we in turn create this emptiness inside of us which we continue trying to fill with doing more things. To me this can also be a source for the sense of meaningless we have because people do try to make a difference in the world because they realize eventually that they are going to die and don’t want to go to waste without being remembered or leaving something that will make them be remembered.

My hypothesis is that the source of meaningless we have inside comes from always following the script that we are given and never really having anything special enough in our lives to make us feel as if we are different. For example, our parents are always telling us how we should be and what we should do. We follow what they want us to do because we want their approval and think that that is the only way to get it because it’s what they want. Like we are always waiting for the next cue in life or the next step and we are constantly waiting for someone to tell us what it is. We go from school to college to marriage to parenthood to retirement. There’s nothing important about what we are doing because someone before us has already done it. Knowing this could create this emptiness because we feel as if no matter what we do, it makes no difference in anyone else’s life and eventually when we die that one decision will have not made a difference because we’re gone.

Merchants Of Cool

Advertising in no way can it be banned. There are too many people profiting from it, too many that enjoy it. For younger children though it can be a problem. Seeing how cool advertisements make things can be overwhelming and make you feel like you have to buy whatever it is for adults so how much does this affect children who have weaker self control. My opinion is not that it should be banned but somehow monitored in order to less exploit the minds of children with consumer needs.

Monitoring can be things such as not playing the commercials for toys at all the hours that kids would be watching television. Making the advertisements that are for kids less about being "cool" or having the latest thing but more about the fun that you can have with the toy or whatever it may be. Parents can also find ways to limit the amount of advertisements their kids actually watch by not saying they have to have whatever it is on the tv. If they want whatever it is maybe they should stay quiet and try not to show their children dependency on it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

What Others Say About Cool

Adam, Ferrier. "What Makes People Cool." (2008): n. pag. Web. 7 Dec 2009. .

This blog consists of what characteristics it takes to make a person cool. He says that the 5 most important factors to being cool is Self Belief and Confidence, Defying Convention, Understated Achievement, Caring For Others, and Energy and Sociability. He also then goes on to talk about how masculinity is also a cool concept.

Alfred, Thompson. "Cool is not consistent." (2009): n. pag. Web. 7 Dec 2009. .

This article basically talks about how cool isn't consistent because people cahnge what they think. It also says that you can never believe what a person says is cool because what they say and what they do may be different things that are or aren't cool.

Peter, Wild. "Alternative Tuning: Being Cool." (2009): n. pag. Web. 7 Dec 2009. .

Peter talks about what was cool during certain stages of his life. Like when he was young doing and liking everything that everyone else was doing was cool. Or when he was in his twenties being cool was knowing what others didn't.

"Softlightes." Web. 7 Dec 2009. .

I think what this picture says about being cool is that you don't have to conform and live the way other people think you should in order to be cool or make others happy. You should be yourself and not worry about other's perspectives.

"20 Cool Digital Art People." Web. 7 Dec 2009. .

This website is basically pictures of celebrities and how cool they are. The photographers made them look cool by incoorporating characteristics like sexy, bling, seductiveness, beauty, people who inspire others, and well known people. I think this just confirms are idea of what we think cool people are.

P.S. While looking this stuff up I found a fb group that's "Awesome People Being Cool". The picture is some old 90's kids. I don't think that's very cool but I thought the group was kind of funny. They're not really cool just because they joined that group.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Other People Think Too?!

Anthony aka Dat Dude (corner store guy)

Yazmin: How cool are you and why?
Anthony: Very cool because I'm chill humble, and down to earth.

Yazmin: So what's your style like?
Anthony: Urban, affordable, and modern. Very into fashion. I even have my own fashion website.

Yazmin: Do you get numbers usually?
Anthony: I do actually. Before now I have a gf.

Yazmin: Do you think that because of what your wearing is why you get these numbers?
Anthony: Well it's not all about it but yes because apprearance comes first.

Jessica: How much money would a whole outfit of yours be?
Anthony: About $300-$400.

Jessica: Do you feel like yourself even if you weren't wearing these expensive clothes?
Anthony: I'm always going to be me regardless of the clothes.

Jessica: Do you feel like your clothes make you cool?
Anthony: I think my clothes express me not that they make me cool.

Weird Guy

Chloe: Whose the coolest person you know and why?
Weird guy: My boyfriend because he's successful and dresses really nice.

Chloe: What's your favorite fashion trend?
Weird guy: Vintage, Civil War stuff, and fur.

Chloe: Why?
Weird guy: Looks nice and it's practical.

My Padre

Yazmin: Whose cooler Coldplay or Obama?
Padre: Coldplay because their music.

Yazmin: What's a typical cool outfit for you?
Padre: Jacket, jeans, and dressy shirt. With some casual shoes.

Yazmin: Whose the coolest person you know and why?
Padre: Bono from U2. All the humanitary services he does and his music is an inspiration.

Yazmin: What do you think being cool is?
Padre: Someone you can get along with, easy going, funny, and who has charisma.

Yazmin: Do you think your cool and why?
Padre: Yes because my daughter thinks I'm cool. = D

Mother May I

Yazmin: Whose cooler Barack or Oprah?
Mother: Obama because he changed history with being the first Black man elected president so obviously the public sees him as cool.

Yazmin: Whose the coolest person you know and why?
Mother: Madonna because she as a woman growing up in the era she did, did anything she wanted and broke so may barriers for women. And never let what anyone said bring her down or stop her from what she wanted to accomplish.

Yazmin: What's a cool outfit for you?
Mother: Jeans, nice boots, nice top, and jewelery.

Yazmin: Do you think the clothes you wear attracts people to you?
Mother: Most definitely. How you dress is what you attract.

Yazmin: Do you think your cool? And why?
Mother: No I know I'm cool. Because being cool is a state of mind and that's the state my mind is in.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I admire your style babyyy

1. What inspires your style?
My style is inspired by my personal interest. I like what I like and know what matches and doesn’t. Sometimes I mix and match but my style is just a stem of my personality and what looks good on me.

2. Do you follow the latest trends and styles?
Certain styles or trends I like and use as my direction for some outfits but not for my entire wardrobe.

3. Do your friends dress the same as you?
We have similar interests in clothing choices but we don’t all look the same.

4. Do you think the way you dress makes you cool?
I think my personality and confidence in what I dress in makes me cool; but my clothing itself, not so much.

Nisie Digital Bitch
1. What inspires your style?
Everyone. I observe people's stlyes and if I like it, i'll add it to my own and switch it up a little. That's just the way I am. I think what really inpires it is everyone that looks alike. I like to be different at times.

2. Do your friends dress like you?
Well that's an obvious question. I dress way different from the "typical" girl. I do not wear my jean fit it tight up to my waist and my shirt fitting my curves. I like them loose, thank you very much but with guys and girls that do dress like me, I dress a little different. They like to rock common name brands, H&M, Gucci, Prada, Polo, etc. They would have a serious problem going into payless to buy some shoes. For me? If they looking right and fly ima buy.

3. Do you think dressing the way you do makes you seem cool?
Hell yeah but I don't dress to be cool. I dress to dress. In someone elses eyes I may not seem cool cause I might not be wearing the top name brands but in someones else's, I can be cool ass hell.

4. What do you think other's think of you when they see you?
That my style is unversal and I'm cool. That's the responses I get.