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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merchants Of Cool

Advertising in no way can it be banned. There are too many people profiting from it, too many that enjoy it. For younger children though it can be a problem. Seeing how cool advertisements make things can be overwhelming and make you feel like you have to buy whatever it is for adults so how much does this affect children who have weaker self control. My opinion is not that it should be banned but somehow monitored in order to less exploit the minds of children with consumer needs.

Monitoring can be things such as not playing the commercials for toys at all the hours that kids would be watching television. Making the advertisements that are for kids less about being "cool" or having the latest thing but more about the fun that you can have with the toy or whatever it may be. Parents can also find ways to limit the amount of advertisements their kids actually watch by not saying they have to have whatever it is on the tv. If they want whatever it is maybe they should stay quiet and try not to show their children dependency on it.

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