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Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Want In

When I first started this project I wanted to make a music video that showed the idea of what cool is to students. This project however was a complete fail so instead I am going to do a writing piece. So I guess here it goes:

"I'm so fat." said Kiara.
"No, your're not. Your sexy." said Jonathan, Kiara's boyfriend.
"Yeah, you're right. I am." replied Kaira. She then giggled.
I put my head down because they began kissing and I didn't want them to see me staring. They were such a beautiful couple. So talented and well known. I wish I had a boyfriend or someone who even liked me. Instead I'm sitting here just staring down at my half eaten pizza and the untouched banana. I picked up my tray and just as I turned around, I bumped into him. He was tall, muscular, and hot.
"I-I-I am soooo sorry." I said, on the verge of tears. How could I be so clumsy and such an idot to bump him.
"Hey no it was my fault. I'm sorry." he said with a smile. "Why don't you let me throw that out for you?"
"Umm oh well thanks." This is so not happening.
"Your name is Kristen right?"
My name Kristen, umm wait is it? Oh yea it is. Talk before he thinks your retarted. "Yeah it is." Try to sound cool. "And your Max Wilson." Omg did I really just say his whole name. I'm an idiot.
"Yup that's me. What's your next class?"
"I have hell on wheels Ms. Thomas."
Omg is he really laughing at my joke? I made Max Wilson laugh! This is the best day of my life.
"That is too funny, Kris. Do you mind if I call you Kris?"
I actually hated when people called me Kris but when he said it I heard wedding bells. "No sure go ahead"
"Well let me walk you to class."
"REALLY?! I mean ummm yea of course. I mean sure why not?" Please stop talking Kristen. Please just shut up.
"Haha your cute, Kris. The right kind of girl for me."
Shocked face. Did he really just say that? I must be in a dream.
"Well here is 304, Ms. Thomas."
Why does this have to end? "Yeah thanks for walking me though"
"Hey no problem. Listen a couple of us are going out tonight. Do you want to come, you know, like as my date?"
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Max Wilson just asked me out. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. My alarm is about to go off. No way no way. "Yea I would like that."
"That's great. Pick you up at 8, ok?"
"Yeah, that's great."
"Bye, Kris" and then he leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek.
"Bye, Max. See you tonight at 8!" My life is complete now.

Later on that night,
"Hi, Kris."
"Hey, Max. How are you?"
"Great now that your with me. Listen before we go to Jonathan's house I have to stop and pick up some things, is that ok with you?"
Still dazed by his reply to how he was, I managed to mumble a "uhuh, sure"
"You look beautiful, Kris. Sexy and perfect."
"Thanks. You look great too." I am in a car with Max Wilson, the most popular guy in school and he just called me perfect. WOW!!
We drove in silence for a while. Then he stopped at the liquor store.
"I'll be right back baby. Try not to miss me too much." he said with a smile and then just got out of the car.
What are we doing here? He can't get alcohol. We're only 16. I can't drink. My parents will kill me. I'll just say no if he asks. He won't be mad I hope. Will that make him not like me? There's no reason for me to bug out anyways. He can't get it.
He came out of the store with 2 bags. Omg he got it. They gave it to him.
"I got Bacardi, Patron, and Vodka. That should be good right? Do you like those?"
"Oh no I don't drink. Thanks though." Please don't get mad please.
"Hahaha there you go again being cute. But for real, do you like those?"
"I am being serious. My parents are anal about stuff like that." Wow I sounded like a total nerd.
"Ohh" he said "Well listen maybe I shouldn't have invited you tonight. There's gonna be lots of drinking and if you can't hang, you can't come. Don't worry though I'm a nice guy. I'll take you home."
Nooonononono Kristen you cannot let this happen. He likes you and your about to blow it because of one night of drinking. You cannot let this happen. "Hahaha I was kidding. Of course I drink. Duh who doesn't?!" Please let this work please.
"Oh ok good. I was about to say your a loser." he leaned into me "I didn't think someone as pretty as you could be a loser though. Your too perfect." And then just like that he kissed me. It was an amazing, powerful kiss that lasted all of 3 seconds until he tried putting his hand up my skirt.
"Woah wait. Don't you think this is too soon?"
"Hahaha Kris, baby you're too cute. All this good girl nonsense though cut it out before we get to the party. They won't like you if they think your a straight edge." And just like that he started to drive.
Ok so now what? Do I wanna put my pride aside and just do whatever it is they wanna do or do I ask him to take me home? That's like asking do you wanna live alone forever or be a superstar? It's just one night right? Nothing that serious is going to happen. I'll be fine. This is the price I have to pay if I wanna be in with this crowd. Once I'm in though it'll be better. I won't be forced to do anything. Yea that's right. I just have to prove I'm chill and down for whatever. Then it won't matter. With a smile and that mindset, I opened the car door and stepped out of the car prepared to do anything it took for them to like me.

1. What insights about cool does the art integrate? What do you hope people will realize or question from their encounter with your art?
I think my art shows the lines some people will cross to be cool and accepted. My character was a young girl who just wanted to be cool according to some boy's standards so she was willing to do things she didn't believe in to just be accepted. Once she was in with the crowd she thought she would be able to be herself again but this is not true. Once you create a cool face with people you must keep this face in order to still be cool.
2. Describe the process of making the project - how'd you do each step? If it was a group project, what did you contribute?
It first started off as a group video project. We had too many people however with too many different ideas so that didn't go well. So I decided to write a story about how I felt at times in middle school. Not this exact thing but more dramatized version of it.
3. Does making art seem cool to you? Why or why not?
I think it is because you get to express your feelings and let people see what you really think about cool.

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