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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Extra Stuff

Sheslow, David V. "Learning Problems." Kids Health November 2008: 1-3. Web. 25 Feb 2010>.

This article is about how you can identify learning disabilities, what they are, and how to tell if you have one. It makes sure to explain that people with learning disabilites aren't stupid.

This magazine article is used to explain what learning disabilities are, by names. There are different types and not all of them are the same. It also gives us symptoms for every learning disadvantage and how you can control it. The article really emphasizes that people with learning problems aren't slow or stupid they just take longer to learn things.

"Learning Disabilities." 1-6. Web. 25 Feb 2010.

The article talks about all different types of aspects relating to learning disabilities. They give statistics and more research.

I actually think it was very interesting that the article said 1 of every 5 people have a learning defficiency. That to me is a very high number. But then again I think back to how 7 people in our class of like 20 had a learning disability. This also brings back what Andy said about docotrs diagnosing everyone with learning problems.

Geergaard, Lauren. "Psychiatrists propose changes in how doctors diagnose and name mental disorders ." Feb 10, 2010. associated press, Web. 25 Feb 2010.>.

Article based on how some illness diagnosis should be revised. Also how they name them.

This article caught my attention at once because it's about the overdiagnosis of not only learning disabilities but also other things such as binge eating (which is different from bulimia). Also it says that antidepressants, medication, and all that stuff's prescriptions have soared. Very interesting. Here's the link to the draft. Web. 25 Feb 2010. .

Ritalin is used for ADD and ADHD. It should be used with other forms of helping your disorder as well.

So I decided to look up medicines treated to help learning problems. Ritalin seems to be the most common one. It says Ritalin should be part of a total treatment plan which also includes social, psychlogical, and educational measures. This is all good and dandy. Then I started looking at the side effects and umm they're serious. Hallucinations and dangerously high blood pressure sound extremely serious to me. Web. 25 Feb 2010. .

Adderall is also used for ADHD. It's also used to treat narcolepsy and other things that might not be mentioned in that article.

"Some stimulants have caused sudden death in children and adolescents with serious heart problems or congenital heart defects." WOWOWOW then why are we giving this to kids? We're giving kids with learning disorders drugs that might kill them. Why not just let them suffer some in Math?

P.S. This info has nothing to do with my paper. My paper is personal experience so there was nothing to look up but I found this interesting.

"High School Graduation." Florida Education Associtaion. 2010 Legistlative Program, Web. 4 Mar 2010.
Article names graduation rates in Florida by races and total. The total number of graduates is 76%.

Einhorn, Erin. "Study shows New York City has one of the nation's sorriest graduation rates." Daily News (2008): n. pag. Web. 4 Mar 2010.

Article says that using 2004 numbers, NYC's graduation rate is 45.2 for city public school kids earning on time diplomas. Ummm WOW.

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