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Monday, February 8, 2010

School Blows Mine

Teil 1
1. Why is school more about social status and acceptance rather than about learning and education?
2. Why have schools become so digitalized?
3. How can we help make schools a better environment for all students and teachers?
1. School isn't as important as it use to be to kids.
2. Curriculum is being tampered with by the teacher's own ideas and thoughts.
3. SOF is not a normal school.
1. Drunk students in school.
2. Teacher/student relationships.
3. Fights with students over little things.

Teil 2
So in every class we are doing some kind of digitalized work. In History it's this blog thing, English we have to type whatever we hand in, Math we are using calculators to solve work that should be done by hand, and Science we use all those gadgets and we have homework on UTexas, which is a website. I find it remarkable how quickly teachers are to point their long, greasy fingers at us for using our phones and our "addiction" to electronics yet they don't realize they are playing into it by digitalizing everything we do.

Who needs a blog? Why can't we just hand in written work? Why type something when most people write it first in class? Teachers are buying into this addiction and then are quick to say that we are dependent. But then aren't they as dependent? They also depend on these electronics we use all the time to get their grades done or to communicate with other teachers for whatever reason they may have to do that. It's like we get blamed for adapting to this changing world when they are part of the reasons we adapt.

Personally I wouldn't go on the computer in my house unless it was to do homework or update my ipod. While I'm on the computer though doing this digital homework I see things that distract me and it takes me on tangents to do and google other things when at first I just went on to do homework. Not everyone may be like that but for me personally I think homework of this sort makes me more dependent on electronics because I have to use them to get it done.

This may just be me but I like doing things by hand. I like seeing all my work out especially in math. Now we have those freaking T9 or some number calculator that does all the labor for us. We insert numbers into this little computer and we don't even know what the numbers mean. I think we should just go back to the old days where my equations were written out and my English homework written neatly in pen.

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