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Saturday, May 22, 2010

How To Take Care of the Babiiiesss

*Parenting is something that takes skills and time to be good at. You can't just wake up one day and be a good mom or dad. I think people however forget this and expect parents to be perfect right away and forever. Parenting is half based on instinct and the other half common sense. I think you should parent however works most efficiently with your child. There is no one way perfect parenting technique.
*For a child it is very important to also be involved in social development. To achieve this, the baby must have kids his/her own age to play with, older kids who can teach it things, and parents or older people to watch over these social arrangements. It should only be with people you trust and really know if your leaving your child alone with them.
*The guidelines for parenting should be surrounded around loving obedience, humor, respect (don't belittle your children), and patience. Of course every situation is differrent but they should somehow relate to this.

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