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Monday, May 3, 2010

You + Me = Us In Some Sort Of Relationship

Human relationships vary. They come in different attitudes, forms, and sizes. They can be emotional, physical, or mandatory. Either way there is relationships between almost all humans that come in contact with each other on normal basis. Whether its the guy you see in the subway on your way to school everyday or your mom. Relationships are all different based on the specific people but they have the same basic rules (although not all of them may follow them). There is the rule of communication (eye contact counts), respect (again not all follow this rule), understanding of relationship (can be misunderstood), and overall the need for humans to talk, vent, pleasure, and love.

Family relationships
In my opinion family relationships are all mandatory. In most cases people tend to not mind that there family relationships are mandatory because they have good family relationships but there are those cases where even if you go far away from them and vow to never see them again there is a relationship between you. Between families, relationships can at times be strained because people may not see eye to eye on a situation but close families can always overcome this dispute and move on. Communication in a family can be tough and there is usually one person who makes mostly all the decisions even though parents try to act like its a joint decision. There also must be respect in a family although rarely do people give each other the respect they deserve. Understanding the relationship should be a given (though people have been known to become confused). If its your mother, brother, sister, father, uncle, aunt, grandpa, granddaughter, second cousin I don't care you should NOT be having sex with them. Now that I got that out I think that while people have families to satisfy their need to love and stuff, I also think that people have families because what else is there to do? Once you finished college and have got a good job, what do you do on your spare time? The answer is you make babies duhhhhhh.

Student/teacher relationships
This one is a very delicate and tedious one. Both parties have to be willing to work together in order to achieve anything. While it is mandatory it can also be very rewarding and helpful. There are teachers who could serve as mentors and do really care about the students. Communication is very important in this relationship so that both parties can get through to each other. Respect is also key because no teacher is going to help you if they think you don't respect them because they are suppose to be superior to us. Understanding of relationship is also very important because teacher/student relationships are inappropriate. The need for humans to talk is fulfilled when teachers blab about their lessons for the whole clas period (sound familiar Andy?). Good teachers can also be loved by their student because they really helped them during the time they knew them.

Work relationships
Work relationships should be formal and polite but not taken outside of "the office". (I'm speaking from first hand experience). Though you may get along with one or two coworkers very well you should try your best to keep it seperate from your personal life. This is because if things go bad in a work relationship that you took out of work it can affect where you work. Communication is also important especially when your working together with a coworker or boss. One miscommunication can really hurt whatever project or task your working on.

Consumer/producer relationships
The consumer's job is to buy, buy, buy while the producer's job is to make, make, make. They have an indirect relationship because the producer makes based off of what the consumer's usually buy they just try to improve it everytime they make it. Consumers show producers what they are interested in by what they buy and what they do not.

Stranger relationships
STRANGER DANGERRRRRR!!!!!! Strangers can be scary but they are also the people we talk to at the supermarket or while getting lunch. Let's face it, there are tons of people we don't know everywhere. Our relationships with them are mostly formal and on a mandatory basis.

Some relationships but not all. That would take forever and a day.

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