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Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm The BOMB, I'm The BOMB, Uh Huhhhh

So what is being cool? Is it wearing nice clothes, or partying til the break of dawn? Is it doing all your homework or being nice to others? What makes others think that a person is cool? What do "cool" people think of being cool? Do they know they are cool? Do they care? Do some people take being cool too far? I think the concept of cool is very vague and undefined. There can be no clear definition because everyone has a different opinion on what cool can be.

Now there is a whole lot of "Oh I don't care what people think of me, I am who I am blah blah" nonsense and I think with some people this may be true to a certain extent but after a while you do begin to care about what people may think or say or do towards you. It's a normal feeling to not want to be an outcast. Though trying to be cool should not change who you are entirely.

I think being cool is also about having certain masks on when different people are around. A straight A student may be a jokester in class but gets all their homework done and does great in class. You wouldn't know because they act like someone different when they are in another kind of environment in this case school. If you can go through wearing a mask and being who everyone wants you to be at certain times then that may define you as cool to some people's standards. Either way it's not who you really are.

P.S. I don't think I'm going to like this unit.

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