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Saturday, May 22, 2010

How To Take Care of the Babiiiesss

*Parenting is something that takes skills and time to be good at. You can't just wake up one day and be a good mom or dad. I think people however forget this and expect parents to be perfect right away and forever. Parenting is half based on instinct and the other half common sense. I think you should parent however works most efficiently with your child. There is no one way perfect parenting technique.
*For a child it is very important to also be involved in social development. To achieve this, the baby must have kids his/her own age to play with, older kids who can teach it things, and parents or older people to watch over these social arrangements. It should only be with people you trust and really know if your leaving your child alone with them.
*The guidelines for parenting should be surrounded around loving obedience, humor, respect (don't belittle your children), and patience. Of course every situation is differrent but they should somehow relate to this.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Number 1
Yazmin: How many siblings do you have?
Binta: 3.

Yazmin: And what would you say your relationship is like?
Binta: Really close. We eat each other's buttholes.

Yazmin: Do you think loving your sisters is mandatory?
Binta: I don't think you really have to love anyone in your family but you have to have mutual respect. You do grow up loving them however.

Yazmin: What do you think about sibling rivalry?
Binta: Happens a lot more than people realize. A lot of sibling rivalry because mom compared me to her. Resented her for the way mom idolized her.

Binta has a close relationship to her siblings now but when she was younger she wasn't as close to them because her mother would compare them. Loving her sisters doesn't feel mandatory to her because she loves them regardless. The mutual respect she talks about is understanding that even though your family and you should love each other it doesn't mean you have to always see eye to eye. This kind of makes my thesis right because she also says you grow up loving them which is why people think you HAVE to love them.

Number 2
Yazmin: Are you the eldest out of your siblings?
Jace: Yes. I have 1 younger brother.

Yazmin: Do you think your brother looks up to you?
Jace: Yes because I am a good role model. Girls like me, good at sports, smart, I fucks wit Yazmin, and she fucks wit me.

Yazmin: Do you think your brother looks up to you because he has no one else?
Jace: No

Yazmin: Do you think its mandatory to love your siblings?
Jace: It's not mandatory but its natural. It's unavoidable.

Being the eldest you usually have the responsibility of being the role model. By being the role model your siblings automatically look up to you which makes them love you. Jace says that loving your siblings is not mandatory its only natural. This goes back to the same thing Binta says that you grow up loving them.

Number 3
Yazmin: Do you think its mandatory to love your family?
Jacara: Yes.

Yazmin: Why?
Jacara: Because logic tells you that those are the first people in your life and they tell you that those are the ones that are going to be around.

Yazmin: What do you think about sibling rivalry?
Jacara: I'm older than you so I win.

Jacara hits my thesis right on the dot by saying that your family tells you that they are the only ones that are going to be there for you. I think they trick you into thinking this because I have friends who have been there for me more often then my family. By making you think this thy make you believe you have to love them because they are the only ones you can depend on.

Number 4
Yazmin: How do you feel about being a lonely child?
Katherine: I'm glad to be an only child.

Yazmin: What do you think about those stories of siblings who don't talk to one another?
Katherine: I think its sad because you have a blood connection with each other and it doesn't seem to work out. Like what do you when you can't relate to your own family? Its easier for my mom to just focus on me.

Yazmin: Do you think its mandatory to love your family?
Katherine: I think it is.

Yazmin: Do you think that's because society looks at you bad if you don't love them?
Katherine: Yes.

Being an only child Katherine still understands the connection between siblings and thinks it is upsetting when they do not get along. She also agrees that loving family members is mandatory because if not society looks down on you.

Do you think loving your family is mandatory?

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Is it mandatory to love your family?

McEntire, Tereasa. "Why Families Should Eat Dinner Together." August 25, 2006: 1. Web. 15 May 2010. .

Families that eat together usually do more because its mandatory not because they want too. This is a magazine article for parenting advice. The author discusses why you should eat dinner together and some reasons why people dn't. Something interesting I read was that she said "children get older and the number of activities they are involved in increases the meals eaten as a family decrease". I thought this was extremely interesting to look at it this way. This is true of course. I know if I come home later than 7, my family usually eats without me.

"Sibling Rivalry." Wikipedia. N.p., May 1, 2010. Web. 15 May 2010. .

This is just about sibling rivalry and describing what it is. They say siblings are usually closer to each other than their parents. Just wanted to check this out before googling more on sibling rivalry.

Ward, Bill. "When to stay together for the children--or not." February 28, 2010: 1. Web. 15 May 2010. .

This article uses a very familiar saying as an intrduction just tweeked a tad. "Take one for the teens." This caught my attention almost immediately. It says that parents who are "low conflict" whatever that means are advised to stay together for the kids. This to me is very odd because if you are unhappy its not good for anyone in the situation. It also says that kids from divorced parents are 50% more likely to get a divorce than others. That's VERY high.

Vanderlinden, C.M. "How to love your family--even if you don't like them." Hubpages. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2010. .

This website is funny and can help you if you don't like someone in your family. It tells you way to overcome that feeling of not liking them and stuff.

P.S. This is really bad. I think I need to look this stuff up in books because I couldn't find anything like percentages and stuff of what I wanted.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bullshit Survey

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

This is not me at all. I don't think this test is accurate. Life is an "exciting drama" for everyone not just me. The results were not useful at all.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Taking that survey was a little weird. The questions were normal but the fact that we had to take it for a class was what made it so weird. Then again Andys class has never been normal. Even though surveys are meant to be random at first I was still trying to monitor what I wrote because again it was for a class. But then I just changed my mind and wrote what I really thought.

The results are actually pretty funny and not that surprising except for some. It seems to me that people took it very seriously.

That other survey is different because it's professionally done and the real statistics. Which is kind of scary. Anywho they did New York City as a whole. We only have SOF students and what we do. And maybe some students like I did at first didn't answer the questions honestly. These numbers are legit.

Monday, May 3, 2010

You + Me = Us In Some Sort Of Relationship

Human relationships vary. They come in different attitudes, forms, and sizes. They can be emotional, physical, or mandatory. Either way there is relationships between almost all humans that come in contact with each other on normal basis. Whether its the guy you see in the subway on your way to school everyday or your mom. Relationships are all different based on the specific people but they have the same basic rules (although not all of them may follow them). There is the rule of communication (eye contact counts), respect (again not all follow this rule), understanding of relationship (can be misunderstood), and overall the need for humans to talk, vent, pleasure, and love.

Family relationships
In my opinion family relationships are all mandatory. In most cases people tend to not mind that there family relationships are mandatory because they have good family relationships but there are those cases where even if you go far away from them and vow to never see them again there is a relationship between you. Between families, relationships can at times be strained because people may not see eye to eye on a situation but close families can always overcome this dispute and move on. Communication in a family can be tough and there is usually one person who makes mostly all the decisions even though parents try to act like its a joint decision. There also must be respect in a family although rarely do people give each other the respect they deserve. Understanding the relationship should be a given (though people have been known to become confused). If its your mother, brother, sister, father, uncle, aunt, grandpa, granddaughter, second cousin I don't care you should NOT be having sex with them. Now that I got that out I think that while people have families to satisfy their need to love and stuff, I also think that people have families because what else is there to do? Once you finished college and have got a good job, what do you do on your spare time? The answer is you make babies duhhhhhh.

Student/teacher relationships
This one is a very delicate and tedious one. Both parties have to be willing to work together in order to achieve anything. While it is mandatory it can also be very rewarding and helpful. There are teachers who could serve as mentors and do really care about the students. Communication is very important in this relationship so that both parties can get through to each other. Respect is also key because no teacher is going to help you if they think you don't respect them because they are suppose to be superior to us. Understanding of relationship is also very important because teacher/student relationships are inappropriate. The need for humans to talk is fulfilled when teachers blab about their lessons for the whole clas period (sound familiar Andy?). Good teachers can also be loved by their student because they really helped them during the time they knew them.

Work relationships
Work relationships should be formal and polite but not taken outside of "the office". (I'm speaking from first hand experience). Though you may get along with one or two coworkers very well you should try your best to keep it seperate from your personal life. This is because if things go bad in a work relationship that you took out of work it can affect where you work. Communication is also important especially when your working together with a coworker or boss. One miscommunication can really hurt whatever project or task your working on.

Consumer/producer relationships
The consumer's job is to buy, buy, buy while the producer's job is to make, make, make. They have an indirect relationship because the producer makes based off of what the consumer's usually buy they just try to improve it everytime they make it. Consumers show producers what they are interested in by what they buy and what they do not.

Stranger relationships
STRANGER DANGERRRRRR!!!!!! Strangers can be scary but they are also the people we talk to at the supermarket or while getting lunch. Let's face it, there are tons of people we don't know everywhere. Our relationships with them are mostly formal and on a mandatory basis.

Some relationships but not all. That would take forever and a day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Some Other Video B/C IRRESPONSIBLE PEOPLE Messed Up Ours

Sigh. I was the director of our film and though I was no Spielberg I think I did a pretty good job. We'll never know our end result because the tape was "ruined". So all that hardwork is now nothing.

Esther's film about the teacher giving up hope on himself is kind of depressing. I totally understand where they were going with it though. The message to me seemed kind of lost and in my opinion not clearly stated (sorry). I liked the idea of him reminiscing on how his class used to be but I didn't see any other message other than desperation. Which might have been the message.

This is different than the movies we watched in class because this teacher actually gave up. All the other teachers keep going until they reach a break through but this one was so lost in his own sorrow and misery that he just couldn't do it. I also think the students kind of gave up on the teacher because in ours it was also about a teacher lost but the students brought him back up and helped him out. In this one when the teacher walks out the students just let him.

Salvation is the act of protecting from harm or danger. Education is an act that has an affect on the mind. These two don't seem to have the same meaning but surprisingly they can be blended together in a teacher's mind. To educate someone is to teach them things that will in turn help them towards a better future. While giving them a better future because of what they learn you are saving them from a doomed life of poverty and misery. Depending on how good the student ends up is how well you saved them.

Someone and Then Another

The reading I did for this was "6 Lessons". This reading was telling us about the basics of teaching in all education. Lesson 1 is that kids are purposely put in certain classes and should therefore stay in those classes. Lesson 2 is to know when to be hard workers yet to be able to move from one material to the next with ease. Lesson 3 is to give up your basic powers as a human to the authorative figure aka teacher. The fourth lesson is that the teacher has all the power in a classroom going from curriculum to disciplinary actions. Lesson 5 is to put all of your everything into receiving the approval of your teacher. You should go to all cost to impress them and revolve your existence around their opinion of you. The last lesson is that you are under survelliance by your teacher at all times. Whether its through other children or homework, they can see and control what you do and learn.

These lessons are completely accurate when it comes to what teachers are suppose to teach the students before any of the work and even during their teaching. These lessons make for cooperative and conformed children who will bend over to do anything for their teacher. This however is bullshit because students shoudl have power in the classroom as well. I'm not talking about total control but we should be able to have some say in what we learn and/or how the teacher teaches it. Not all children learn the same so for some these mind games don't work as well as others.

This article was about how teachers are just people to fill up students heads with things that use to mean something and now mean nothing because they are not taught with meaning to us. Teachers put things into our minds and we are expected to remember it all. My favorite quote from the text is "The more completely she fills the receptacles, the better a teacher she is. The more meekly the receptacles permit themselves to be filled, the better students they are." This quote is saying that the more we know the better the teacher is considered. The more we let ourselves be taught without a fight or word the better students we are considered.

This quote to me seems very true because teachers are looked and judged upon the amount their students learn and the grades they get. This however should not be how a person is judged because students can gain more from a teacher than just school knowledge. The fact that students are also judged upon how obediently they learn is also a problem. Students shoudl not have to bow to a "higher power" to learn. Everyone in a classroom setting should be equal because not only are the kids there to learn but so are the teachers.

The interview with Dr. Delpit discussed equal oppurtunity for low income children. She says that you can do this but teachers cannot undermine the student's intelligence. They must believe in the child in order for them to achieve. She also discussed how the arts can be a way to teach children more about school. It keeps them more interested and they relate to it more while they are also being taught about music or writing.

I agree with Dr. Delpit because if a teacher does not believe in the student the kids think that there is no reason to even try. Children need people to back them up in order to achieve wonders. I also agree with arts being another way to teach children basic lessons. For me especially I have always been more interested in music and poetry more than math and science. Incorporating these things into basic school curriculum would definitely interest me more and make me want to learn because I can relate to it. I think what she says about it being mostly children of color or African descent is wrong but hey whatever she wants to believe.

Mr. Fanning talked about the difference between SOF and other schools. He gave it a lot more credit than needed but I guess that's what he has to do. He taught us about the difference between liberal arts and standard education. He said SOF is more about indivuality within teamwork and that the teachers are there to help us with our own thoughts and ideas not just to teach us by books what other people say.

I definitely agree with this about SOF. Whether I think it works or not is different. I think to be at SOF you have to have reached a certain level of maturity. A level that not all of SOF students have reached and even I myself sometimes forget that I have. If you have that level of maturity SOF can be a great advantage because it is about indivuality and a lot more lenient than other schools. Without that maturity however it is just a school that you can bullshit through while getting away with whatever you want.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So this whole movie thing, I have no clue how we are going to pull it off in all one day when we don't even have a set plan but I'm hoping for the best. My idea was kind of just to have us be ourselves because I didn't want the kids to be like horrible children or goody goods either and I think we're right in the middle of all that. My opinion though. So ummm here goes our movie in my head:

First day of school:
Kids are all in the halls as teacher is walking to class. Everyone is really excited to see each other. Being loud and lots of commotion. Kids are pointing and talking about teacher. Teacher sets up classroom nicely with syllabus on desk for every student and a piece of construction paper. Ten minutes later still waiting for kids. They finally start coming in still loud and disruptive. Jumping around. Teacher ignores the fact that they're late. Asks everyone to sit down and write their names on the construction paper to make little name tags. Everyone starts laughing and immediately writes a bullshit name. More kids walk in late after that with their headphones blasting and sit in the back. Teacher asks them to turn down the music and what their names are. Roll of the eyes and a loud sigh of frustration from the kids. Teacher tries to introduce himself, kids purposely act like they don't understand. Name tags say ridiculous names. Bell rings. Everyone gets up and leaves while teacher is still speaking.

Second day of school:
Teacher is a little more prepared. Got an attendance sheet that has the real names. Calls out attendance. Begins to go over syllabus that of course everyone left yesterday. Students are speaking to one another. One student gets up and begins to leave. Teacher asks where they are going. Bathroom response. Teacher says they have to ask. Kid laughs and leaves anyways. Everyone laughs even harder at this and joke on teacher. Teacher is in shock and disbelief. Bell rings. Class leaves.

Third week of school:
Disruptiveness and disrespect continue. Teacher finally gets fed up and starts talking about something interesting to kids. They have a great conversation about whatever topic this is. Bell rings. Students wait until he finishes his sentence. They say bye to him as they leave. Teacher has a revelation.

Next day:
Classroom is reorganized into just chairs in the shape of a circle and they have a discussion the whole class about what they would like to learn in that class. Kids are really into it. Teacher is happy and part of the jokes not the recipient of them.

Ok so this might suck but it's the kind of the type of movie I want to do so at least use one part of my them or whatever this is called in the real movie. Like the rearrangement of the classroom. I think that one is really smart : )

Thursday, April 8, 2010

That Bookie

The book I chose to read is "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' by Mark Haddon. This book is about a young autistic child who tries to solve the mystery of a dog's death. By investigating this he finds out certain secrets that unravel themselves to be more than he can handle at times. Although the boy faces certain challenges and dilemas he overcomes what most would think is not possible for a child with disabilities. With the help of his neighbor, his determination to find his mom, and his fear of his father this young boy finds a new home and happiness again.

This book relates to my topic because my topic is about children with learning disabilities. With this book I saw the world through the eyes of a child with a learning disorder and learned about the struggles and challenges they face on a day to day basis. Now don't get me wrong this young boy was very smart when it came to his academics but you could still see that he struggled especially when he was having what he calls a "bad day".

This book has helped me better understand the thoughts of those with autism and how it can affect them it not just school but also the outside world (the story was not just about school but slso him being out in the world by himself). He was very good at school and wanted to take an exam for further placement. The book also showed me how the disability could get in the way with the simplest of tasks such as using the bathroom. The author talked about how the character saw other people in his school and what he felt about them. All in all it's a very good book.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Some Stuff For A Vid

- Passive aggressive teacher
- Cool teacher not dorky
- Good kids with only minor defects
- Kids push teacher to like the edge and then teacher comes back harder with teaching.
- Open up kids minds to more important and current social studies.
- One kid attacks teacher and other students turn on kid.
- One big happy family.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Scissors & Hershey

Main Point of Sizer Article
Its basically meant to be a shortened autobiography of Sizer. It list accomplishments, jobs, and some backgroud. To me this Coalition of Essential schools is extremely valuable. My favorite line is when the article says "Schools, he argued, should abandon the one-size fits all education". I think this is so true. Not all kids learn the same way and why should they have to. While some are better readers others are better at math. While some are avid thinkers others are more hands on. No child should have to struggle with their education because they don't understand the way the teacher is explaining things. Sizer's dream was correct. Instead of standardized testing schools should offer other requirements (like Exhibitions).

Main Idea of Hirsch article
Its basically another shortened autobiography. To me his point about being able to better comprehend a text if you know the background information makes sense. It just makes it easier to relate to. I am however a little confused when he says that all students should learn the same exact things. How are we to make sure this happens? All kids work differently so this method cannot work that great. Although it is good to know a little background about everything in general just so you know. When I was younger though I remember having choices in what I wanted to further study. I learned the basic skills of whatever was necessary for me to learn and then studied what I wanted. I enjoy this freedom and with Hirsch's method I don't think I would have it.

In my own experience I find Sizer's point of view and beliefs to have been more helpful to me. Even though SOF is not at the top of the Coalition of Essential Schools I have learned to use my mind better than before, figured out that I can do things by myself if I really apply myself, and thanks to Andy's class I've learned to think about important aspects of my life. Though Sizer's beliefs may have flaws I think this again goes back to how everyone is different and how some people would be able to understand things more in SOF versus a Hirsch type of school. I think some teachers are inspired by Hirsch's point of view of teaching. That is why we learn the basics of every class first and then we go onto develop skills that are harder to understand.

Friday, March 12, 2010

School Is A Mission

I read the article about the benefits of social and intellectual awakening in schools and I really liked it. To me this is what schools should be about. Teachers should be trying to bring out the passion to learn in us not cramming our minds with the nonsense of having to respect them which is why we should listen. I think that if you see that a teacher is passionate about his or her subject it gives you more motivation to learn and respect the topic. Take for example physics with Mr. Z. Science has always been my worst class. I couldn't seem to understand the mere concepts and basic skills. Physics however I my best class. Not only do I complete understand everything but I can also help my peers when they don't understand it which is something I could never do before. I think this is because Mr. Z's teaching technique is thorough and he shows a passion for what he does. It's like he genuinely cares that vf = vi + at. This relates to the article because Ms. Kenny thinks that to make good teachers better you have to give them the "freedom to let their passion flourish". I think that this is why Mr. Z is like this (and the fact that Ms. Cartilidge was his mentor).

I think all in all these schools sound really good. The part about them not fighting because it's not allowed is a little extreme because fighting is not allowed in any school. But overall if they are improving that good in reading and the eighth graders math and science test really recieved 100% proficiency then what's bad about the school? It's doing what schools are suppose to be about. Teaching students the basic tools and necessities in life.

The article about liberal arts education I think really does define what liberal arts schools do. They are for people who don't like the pressure or discipline of structured schools. For someone who has gone through both a structured education and a liberal arts education I think it's what's best for you and what fits for you. Liberal arts schools such as SOF have positives and negatives. Some positives being we learn to be leaders rather than to blend in with your other peers, we are shown that it is our responsibility to accomplish tasks, and I think we are given a greater understanding of the world because we recieve different points of views from all our teachers on how things are done. Some negatives are that if you slack you fall behind quickly and there's not much help to get back on track, work is your responsibility and no one elses to remind you, and if you need structure there really isn't much of it. Structured schools (I call them this because I don't know the correct term for them) have both positives and negatives as well. Positives being they re usually bigger which makes it easier for some students to find their place, they provide discipline to those who need it, they offer specific classes for specific career choices. The negatives are (in my opinion) you are taught to blend in rather than stand out, they teach from textbooks (it's like their Bible), and students are usually very dependent on the teachers to give them the answers.

So again it depends on what you like and prefer. To me the liberal arts education works becasue although sometimes I do need more discipline with my studies I love the way we are taught in SOF. The fact that you can make your own decisions in most classes what you would like to study further and what makes the most sense to you. I agree with this article on what liberal arts education offers and how this helps students with their future. As for the person who commented on the article about their own experience at Dickinson (I read some of their comment). A liberal arts education is not for everyone and if he didn't like it then he should have left when he realized not stayed until the end. I feel you have to use liberal arts education in our own way to recieve the benefit. Internships are a perfect way to do this.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hw 42-Significance

My question is What are the differences and similarities in between Osceola High School in Florida and SOF in NYC? How do these differences or similarities make the school better or worse? Or something like that.

This matters to me because I lived in Florida for a long time. I was suppose to be attending Osceola High School starting my ninth grade year. The reason I did not attend was because we moved to NEw York. I searched through many different schools when I got here and then I found SOF. I had always imagined myself in a big school so when I read how small it was, I wasn't sure but when I visited I just felt it was right for me.

Every since I was little I've seen all the typical high school movies with the cheerleaders and the football players and I always wondered where I would fit in because to me this is the school that I was going to attend. SOF is not like that however. There's not football team or cheerleading squad and I never realized how much I would have liked all this until I went to Osceola over February break to visit my best friend.

Their school has so many programs and activities to join. It's a huge campus with fields and a real gym and cafeteria. It was just what I always imagined school would be like.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Extra Stuff

Sheslow, David V. "Learning Problems." Kids Health November 2008: 1-3. Web. 25 Feb 2010>.

This article is about how you can identify learning disabilities, what they are, and how to tell if you have one. It makes sure to explain that people with learning disabilites aren't stupid.

This magazine article is used to explain what learning disabilities are, by names. There are different types and not all of them are the same. It also gives us symptoms for every learning disadvantage and how you can control it. The article really emphasizes that people with learning problems aren't slow or stupid they just take longer to learn things.

"Learning Disabilities." 1-6. Web. 25 Feb 2010.

The article talks about all different types of aspects relating to learning disabilities. They give statistics and more research.

I actually think it was very interesting that the article said 1 of every 5 people have a learning defficiency. That to me is a very high number. But then again I think back to how 7 people in our class of like 20 had a learning disability. This also brings back what Andy said about docotrs diagnosing everyone with learning problems.

Geergaard, Lauren. "Psychiatrists propose changes in how doctors diagnose and name mental disorders ." Feb 10, 2010. associated press, Web. 25 Feb 2010.>.

Article based on how some illness diagnosis should be revised. Also how they name them.

This article caught my attention at once because it's about the overdiagnosis of not only learning disabilities but also other things such as binge eating (which is different from bulimia). Also it says that antidepressants, medication, and all that stuff's prescriptions have soared. Very interesting. Here's the link to the draft. Web. 25 Feb 2010. .

Ritalin is used for ADD and ADHD. It should be used with other forms of helping your disorder as well.

So I decided to look up medicines treated to help learning problems. Ritalin seems to be the most common one. It says Ritalin should be part of a total treatment plan which also includes social, psychlogical, and educational measures. This is all good and dandy. Then I started looking at the side effects and umm they're serious. Hallucinations and dangerously high blood pressure sound extremely serious to me. Web. 25 Feb 2010. .

Adderall is also used for ADHD. It's also used to treat narcolepsy and other things that might not be mentioned in that article.

"Some stimulants have caused sudden death in children and adolescents with serious heart problems or congenital heart defects." WOWOWOW then why are we giving this to kids? We're giving kids with learning disorders drugs that might kill them. Why not just let them suffer some in Math?

P.S. This info has nothing to do with my paper. My paper is personal experience so there was nothing to look up but I found this interesting.

"High School Graduation." Florida Education Associtaion. 2010 Legistlative Program, Web. 4 Mar 2010.
Article names graduation rates in Florida by races and total. The total number of graduates is 76%.

Einhorn, Erin. "Study shows New York City has one of the nation's sorriest graduation rates." Daily News (2008): n. pag. Web. 4 Mar 2010.

Article says that using 2004 numbers, NYC's graduation rate is 45.2 for city public school kids earning on time diplomas. Ummm WOW.

Monday, February 8, 2010

School Blows Mine

Teil 1
1. Why is school more about social status and acceptance rather than about learning and education?
2. Why have schools become so digitalized?
3. How can we help make schools a better environment for all students and teachers?
1. School isn't as important as it use to be to kids.
2. Curriculum is being tampered with by the teacher's own ideas and thoughts.
3. SOF is not a normal school.
1. Drunk students in school.
2. Teacher/student relationships.
3. Fights with students over little things.

Teil 2
So in every class we are doing some kind of digitalized work. In History it's this blog thing, English we have to type whatever we hand in, Math we are using calculators to solve work that should be done by hand, and Science we use all those gadgets and we have homework on UTexas, which is a website. I find it remarkable how quickly teachers are to point their long, greasy fingers at us for using our phones and our "addiction" to electronics yet they don't realize they are playing into it by digitalizing everything we do.

Who needs a blog? Why can't we just hand in written work? Why type something when most people write it first in class? Teachers are buying into this addiction and then are quick to say that we are dependent. But then aren't they as dependent? They also depend on these electronics we use all the time to get their grades done or to communicate with other teachers for whatever reason they may have to do that. It's like we get blamed for adapting to this changing world when they are part of the reasons we adapt.

Personally I wouldn't go on the computer in my house unless it was to do homework or update my ipod. While I'm on the computer though doing this digital homework I see things that distract me and it takes me on tangents to do and google other things when at first I just went on to do homework. Not everyone may be like that but for me personally I think homework of this sort makes me more dependent on electronics because I have to use them to get it done.

This may just be me but I like doing things by hand. I like seeing all my work out especially in math. Now we have those freaking T9 or some number calculator that does all the labor for us. We insert numbers into this little computer and we don't even know what the numbers mean. I think we should just go back to the old days where my equations were written out and my English homework written neatly in pen.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Want In

When I first started this project I wanted to make a music video that showed the idea of what cool is to students. This project however was a complete fail so instead I am going to do a writing piece. So I guess here it goes:

"I'm so fat." said Kiara.
"No, your're not. Your sexy." said Jonathan, Kiara's boyfriend.
"Yeah, you're right. I am." replied Kaira. She then giggled.
I put my head down because they began kissing and I didn't want them to see me staring. They were such a beautiful couple. So talented and well known. I wish I had a boyfriend or someone who even liked me. Instead I'm sitting here just staring down at my half eaten pizza and the untouched banana. I picked up my tray and just as I turned around, I bumped into him. He was tall, muscular, and hot.
"I-I-I am soooo sorry." I said, on the verge of tears. How could I be so clumsy and such an idot to bump him.
"Hey no it was my fault. I'm sorry." he said with a smile. "Why don't you let me throw that out for you?"
"Umm oh well thanks." This is so not happening.
"Your name is Kristen right?"
My name Kristen, umm wait is it? Oh yea it is. Talk before he thinks your retarted. "Yeah it is." Try to sound cool. "And your Max Wilson." Omg did I really just say his whole name. I'm an idiot.
"Yup that's me. What's your next class?"
"I have hell on wheels Ms. Thomas."
Omg is he really laughing at my joke? I made Max Wilson laugh! This is the best day of my life.
"That is too funny, Kris. Do you mind if I call you Kris?"
I actually hated when people called me Kris but when he said it I heard wedding bells. "No sure go ahead"
"Well let me walk you to class."
"REALLY?! I mean ummm yea of course. I mean sure why not?" Please stop talking Kristen. Please just shut up.
"Haha your cute, Kris. The right kind of girl for me."
Shocked face. Did he really just say that? I must be in a dream.
"Well here is 304, Ms. Thomas."
Why does this have to end? "Yeah thanks for walking me though"
"Hey no problem. Listen a couple of us are going out tonight. Do you want to come, you know, like as my date?"
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Max Wilson just asked me out. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. My alarm is about to go off. No way no way. "Yea I would like that."
"That's great. Pick you up at 8, ok?"
"Yeah, that's great."
"Bye, Kris" and then he leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek.
"Bye, Max. See you tonight at 8!" My life is complete now.

Later on that night,
"Hi, Kris."
"Hey, Max. How are you?"
"Great now that your with me. Listen before we go to Jonathan's house I have to stop and pick up some things, is that ok with you?"
Still dazed by his reply to how he was, I managed to mumble a "uhuh, sure"
"You look beautiful, Kris. Sexy and perfect."
"Thanks. You look great too." I am in a car with Max Wilson, the most popular guy in school and he just called me perfect. WOW!!
We drove in silence for a while. Then he stopped at the liquor store.
"I'll be right back baby. Try not to miss me too much." he said with a smile and then just got out of the car.
What are we doing here? He can't get alcohol. We're only 16. I can't drink. My parents will kill me. I'll just say no if he asks. He won't be mad I hope. Will that make him not like me? There's no reason for me to bug out anyways. He can't get it.
He came out of the store with 2 bags. Omg he got it. They gave it to him.
"I got Bacardi, Patron, and Vodka. That should be good right? Do you like those?"
"Oh no I don't drink. Thanks though." Please don't get mad please.
"Hahaha there you go again being cute. But for real, do you like those?"
"I am being serious. My parents are anal about stuff like that." Wow I sounded like a total nerd.
"Ohh" he said "Well listen maybe I shouldn't have invited you tonight. There's gonna be lots of drinking and if you can't hang, you can't come. Don't worry though I'm a nice guy. I'll take you home."
Nooonononono Kristen you cannot let this happen. He likes you and your about to blow it because of one night of drinking. You cannot let this happen. "Hahaha I was kidding. Of course I drink. Duh who doesn't?!" Please let this work please.
"Oh ok good. I was about to say your a loser." he leaned into me "I didn't think someone as pretty as you could be a loser though. Your too perfect." And then just like that he kissed me. It was an amazing, powerful kiss that lasted all of 3 seconds until he tried putting his hand up my skirt.
"Woah wait. Don't you think this is too soon?"
"Hahaha Kris, baby you're too cute. All this good girl nonsense though cut it out before we get to the party. They won't like you if they think your a straight edge." And just like that he started to drive.
Ok so now what? Do I wanna put my pride aside and just do whatever it is they wanna do or do I ask him to take me home? That's like asking do you wanna live alone forever or be a superstar? It's just one night right? Nothing that serious is going to happen. I'll be fine. This is the price I have to pay if I wanna be in with this crowd. Once I'm in though it'll be better. I won't be forced to do anything. Yea that's right. I just have to prove I'm chill and down for whatever. Then it won't matter. With a smile and that mindset, I opened the car door and stepped out of the car prepared to do anything it took for them to like me.

1. What insights about cool does the art integrate? What do you hope people will realize or question from their encounter with your art?
I think my art shows the lines some people will cross to be cool and accepted. My character was a young girl who just wanted to be cool according to some boy's standards so she was willing to do things she didn't believe in to just be accepted. Once she was in with the crowd she thought she would be able to be herself again but this is not true. Once you create a cool face with people you must keep this face in order to still be cool.
2. Describe the process of making the project - how'd you do each step? If it was a group project, what did you contribute?
It first started off as a group video project. We had too many people however with too many different ideas so that didn't go well. So I decided to write a story about how I felt at times in middle school. Not this exact thing but more dramatized version of it.
3. Does making art seem cool to you? Why or why not?
I think it is because you get to express your feelings and let people see what you really think about cool.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cool Is What Makes The World Go Round

This unit we explored into the depths of coolness. We made assumptions, watched movies, interviewed people, and even looked into our own minds to see where this sense of cool comes from. My opinion is that coolness is a state of mind. There is no judge or committee to determine what is cool or what isn't. There is only what one believes in about themselves and others and what makes them cool. There is also no real you and individuality in the things we choose to do. It's all been done and said.

Argument 1:
So I think that individuality was just a concept made up to make people feel special in a world of so many people. We were programmed since little to believe that only we can be ourselves and that no one in the world is like us but in reality that's a lie. There are plentt of people out there who dress like us, talk like us, have the same view as us and yet we still believe that we alone are us.

In truth what is the real you? Is it the way you talk or act? Or the way you see things or do things? There can be no real you because everything your doing and saying has already been done by someone before you. And you can think all you want that it hasn't but it has. Someone before you thought of a tattoo on their ankle or a piercing on their hip.

Now you can say yea but I'm being me because I like those things that's why I do them but he truth is every thought and action in your life that you do is influenced by someone before you. With one word or action someone can change your life around and make you realize something you hadn't before and then your whole perspective on life changes and you say that it's you but it wasn't you until someone else made it you.

Argument 2:
Our interviews all kind of went the same. We talked about what kind of things make a person cool. I found that even if some ideas were alike there were others that were different. Either way it had a lot to do with confidence. The way one carries and presents themselves to others has a lot to do with whether people think they're cool or not. And when people think your cool then you begin to think yea I'm cool. And this is where this whole superficiality begins.

Now what we wanted to find out from these interviews were what qualities make cool. From my surveys I found that people like qualities such as down to earth and chill in the people they hang out with and of course these are typical amswers we expect to hear. But when it comes to fashion people's answers and styles were definitely different. For example while my friend Kayla likes more preppy American Eagle clothes, some guy we met on the street likes vintage, thrift shop clothing. I'm sure there styles wouldn't be cool to each other but that's the point. There is no one cool expert. Everyone is entitled to their own definition of cool because we all play different roles.

Now these roles that we play are what can make us cool or what can make us uncool. Depending on what role we choose to play or cuturally given role we are playing is whether we are cool or not. For example I know Andy used this example tirelessly but a black kid that lives in the projects buying Prada shoes would be cool because of his cultural map while a black kid who lives in the projects decides to stay in on Friday and Saturday nights to study is uncool because his cutural map says it is. An example of when we choose our own role would be a white kid who lives in Malibu trying to act like a thug is uncool to the people of Malibu (I think) vs. another white kid from Malibu who gets into Harvard would be cool and maybe also part of their cultural map.

Argument 3:
To see what we thought was cool we were told to write a story about someone or something that is cool. I found that a lot of stories were about heroes and good people in general. And the ones that were about assholes still ended up having some type of good quality in it. The differences in people's thoughts about cool were what really stood out. No one can say that anyone else's story was not about someone that's cool because that's ones own opinion. So here again we see the idea that cool is kind of like a personal thought. An idea you create in your head in which you form a cool identity which you then strive to be.

Identities are the way we try to make people see us. Our roles play into these identities because they contribute and tweek already made identities into our own. So like me being a social butterfly would be my role. My identity (the way I put myself out there) is that I can get along with anyone (here is where my role plays in) but I tweeked my social butterfly role into I get along with only those who I see are on the same level of interest as me. So I tweeked something to make it more me and to me that's cool. Because I know nothing I ever do will be original because there have been so many others before me who have done whatever I want to try and do but by changing something even just a little to make it more my own is cool to me.

Here is where someone's opinion might differ from mines. Some people (who shall not be named) think that everything they have has to be different from everyone else and in their heads they're being different by altering their bodies with tattoos and piercings because that's what sets them aside from others and makes them cool. This just makes them like all those other want to be rebels against society and cool. They're playing into it by not trying to play into it.

Alternative Point Of View
Now some people can say that cool is what the media sets out for us and we all judge cool similarly but those people can suck it because that's not true. We chose what to believe and like from the media. And if we judged it all the same then why isn't everyone be cool because we would all know the guidelines but there are still people out there who others don't see as cool. People will also try to say that you can be an indivual by adding your own style to everything but what is your styke? It's a style you saw somewhere or two outfits that you decided to put together and make your own. Those are already hundreds of other people's styles as well so that doesn't make you too unique.

In the end this paper concludes this cool unit we have been working on. Thorugh all the blogs and interviews and discussions I still believe that cool is something that forms in your head and you keep in there to remind you of things you like. There's no new cool or old cool there's just what you believe and what you percieve of others. Cool can be thought of as attitude or fashion or even popularity but in the end it all comes down to the same thing. We all care about it even those who say they don't.

-My past blogs

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Random People's Comments

Ummm Jacara,

Your essay just blew my mind. Your so blunt and ready to attack everything we have in mind that is cool. I love it!!

Restated Thesis:
-Cool is whatever state of mind we're in, in which we define the design it's in.
-The definition of cool is a state of mind in which you compile the material and form to put it in.
(Sorry they suck)

I agree that cool is a state of mind because we have no judge or committee that tells us what is cool or not. If you want to be technical the judge or committee may be your friends and the people you choose to associate with but even then it may not mater to you what they say. I think by us not knowing what cool is exactly makes it even more difficult for us to find our "true selves" because we want to be well liked and known but for unique reasons.

For your next draft I think that maybe you should use some more evidence from some reliable sources such as wikipedia (j/k). You may also find it helpful to talk about an argument that can be used against your thesis and how you would rebuttal. Well that's enough work for right now for me. I look forward to your final draft. Pastaaaaa : )

Nisie Babyyy,

So I think your thesis is saying 2 things. Let me know if I'm wrong but one is that in trying to be cool we follow others paths because there is no individual way to be cool without following the pack. The second is that we follow the pack for our own self benefit not because we choose too.

A revised thesis might be too wordy for both of these together as Andy calls it but here are some ideas:
-In order to be cool we must follow the pack which in turn not only helps us but also others around us because we all influence each other's ideas of cool.
-Everyone's idea of cool have traces of the last person's idea because we need this in order to benefit from society.
-We benefit from following the social trends of cool, which are inspired by everyone around us.
(I think all these are horrible. Sorry)

So based on what I think your essay is about I think that your right in saying we all follow each other's steps. It's kind of like our actions and style influence others whether we like it or not and in the end by just adding your own little twist it suddenly becomes you. This is what makes our identities so hard. We're constantly switching them because we see something else that we likes which inspires us to do something different to ourselves.

I think talking more about what we did in class and the movies we watched. Also maybe some quotes may improve the paper.

Moving On Up (Socially or Financially)

Cultural maps are maps that are already planned out and given to us since the day we are born. It's either be the same as everyone around you or be the outcast that gets goofed on. If your cultural map is shitty either way your screwed whether it be by your friends and family. Or if it's by having a crappy life. My cultural map I think was to go to school, find a guy that "loves me" and then get pregnant and be screwed for the rest of my life. I'd like to think that I've broken out of that because I don't have any kids. But what about those who can't break out of this ongoing cycle of "cool"? Those who still haven't chosen between the two worlds or those who have and chose to be liked by the people around their neighborhood who aren't going to get them anywhere.

For me the choice was somewhat easier. As a child my mother was very hard on me when it came to school. As a single mother, who hadn't graduated, of four children she knew the struggles of our cultural maps. She wanted me to break this though and she always told me that. As a result of this she made sure I did all my homework and I understood all the material. We didn't live in the best of neighborhoods and all my friends were the class clowns that always got in trouble. She tolerated my choice of friends as long as it didn't affect my grades. As I began to get older however things started changing. She started being more lenient and my grades although still high were slightly slipping. At one point I remember skipping class and thinking who cares if I don't go it's not like I'm going to achieve much in life.

Cultural maps are hard to break. Even when you have support behind you it's always better to be with the people that relate to you the most and for most people, the people they relate to are the ones with the same map. And when you do get out whose to say you won't fall back in?! Nothing is ever guaranteed. So whose to blame for this circle in life? Is it the people who continue making the choices that they know are bad for them? In my opinion it is and isn't their fault. It is their fault because it's not like their completely oblivious to the fact that there is a better life out there for them. They know their are clean ways of making money and bad ways. But then it isn't their fault because they rarely have any other choice than to join in whatever nonsense goes on in their neighborhoods. It's hard to be the outcast in any situation.

In the end it's this struggle to be cool doing whatever it is your cultural map leads you to believe is cool. Whether it's staying in school and going to Harvard or becoming number 1 gang banger in Brooklyn. You are cool because of your surroundings and the way you adapt with situations not because you were born with it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cool Is What Makes The World Go Round

This unit we explored into the depths of coolness. We made assumptions, watched movies, interviewed people, and even looked into our own minds to see where this sense of cool comes from. My opinion is that coolness is a state of mind. There is no judge or committee to determine what is cool or what isn't. There is only what one believes in about themselves and others and what makes them cool.

The movie we watched was about how industries find what we think is cool. To be continued...

Our interviews all kind of went the same. We talked about what kind of things make a person cool. I found that even if some ideas were alike there were others that were different. To be continued...

To see what we thought was cool we were told to write a story about someone or something that is cool. I found that a lot of stories were about heroes and good people in general. And the ones that were about assholes still ended up having some type of good quality in it. To be continued...

I'm not sure what I want my essay to be about yet so this outline is probably not going to be the same as the paper but for right now it's ok.

Tat Me Up

Tattoos are seen as a way for people to express themselves. To stamp yourself with something that seems important to you or makes people see you in a different way is now considered cool. It's cool to have something on your body in ink that can never be taken off because when you have it people think "Wow that person's cool. They took that pain and they're being rebels in our society by getting a tattoo." But are these people really being rebellious or are they just trying to conform into the real rebels that started the tattoos?

I have a couple of friends with tattoos and for a long time I wanted one as well. Every since I was little I thought I want a tattoo because my parents are going to hate it. And if they're against it why not do it? Now however my mind has changed. Getting a permanent marking on my body of a symbol that 20 years from now may mean nothing to me isn't so attractive anymore. For other people it may be seen as a way of making a statement to people who see them but to me it's all about conforming to be this person who doesn't care what they look like when they actually do care because they got the tattoo in order for people to recognize them.

People may also compare this to piercings. I'll be the first to say that I absolutely love piercing but I don't think I have piercings in order to conform into something else. I thought they were just nice piercings. Although the desire to get them could have been my subconscious telling me that I wanted to be "cool" so I got them. The difference between these two statements is also the fact that piercings will close if you keep the ring out. A tat is forever. Even that tattoo removal doesn't really work all the way. There are still tracings of it left. So who wants to be stuck with some rose on their lower back while they're a grandmother?!